Actualización: Esta entrada describe un problema que se presentó en XBMC cuando apareció el jailbreak del Apple TV 2 junto con la versión de desarrollo de XBMC capaz de correr en este dispositivo.
A pesar de que la instalación de versiones de desarrollo (nightly builds) no es recomendable excepto para los usuarios que saben lo que están haciendo, todo el que tenía el Apple TV 2 en aquel momento se encontró con multitud de problemas causados por la inestabilidad de las versiones de desarrollo.
Hoy día XBMC Eden es un sistema muy estable, en Apple TV 2 y en el resto de plataformas, así que si todavía tienes una nightly build no veo ningún motivo para no actualizarla. Y si has llegado a esta entrada buscando información sobre cómo instalar pelisalacarta en XBMC Eden te recomiendo echar un vistazo a este vídeo que encontrarás también en la página de instrucciones.
Dicho lo cual, te dejo con la entrada original 🙂
[hr4]Cada vez son más los usuarios que han actualizado su XBMC de la versión estable (Dharma) a las nightly-build o versiones de desarrollo (Eden). Esta actualización es especialmente obligada si usas XBMC para iOS, dado que la versión actual de XBMC tiene tantos problemas que muchas veces no queda otra opción.

El aspecto renovado de XBMC Eden
Algunos os habéis encontrado con que después de actualizar XBMC no podéis instalar pelisalacarta, así que escribo esta entrada esperando aclarar dudas y solucionar problemas.
En el repositorio oficial de XBMC no aparece pelisalacarta, dado que hay repositorios separados para Dharma y Eden. El add-on de pelisalacarta sólo está en los repositorios de Dharma y por tanto no aparece si tienes una de las nuevas versiones.
Como no te queda más remedio, intentas instalar el add-on a mano y te aparece el mensaje de error «Dependencies not met» sin más aclaraciones. Ni errores en el log, ni ayuda en Google, ni nada…
El problema
Pelisalacarta tiene una dependencia con dos componentes externos, concretamente las librerías «simplejson» y «elementree» de Python. Estos dos componentes se encuentran en el repositorio oficial de XBMC Dharma, y por tanto cuando instalas pelisalacarta en realidad te instalas de forma transparente esos dos componentes ANTES de instalar el add-on.
Pero… en los repositorios de XBMC Eden esos dos componentes no están.
De ahí el error.
La solución
En realidad el problema es muy sencillo de resolver, como muchos habréis imaginado leyendo el punto anterior. Aunque confieso que al no tener información en el log y no encontrar más datos buscando en el foro de XBMC me costó algo de tiempo encontrar la forma de hacer la instalación.
Únicamente debes instalar a mano los dos add-ons que faltan, antes de instalar pelisalacarta. El proceso es sencillo:
- Descarga los dos add-ons de la siguiente dirección. script.module.elementtree
- Instálalos utilizando la opción «Install from ZIP file» que puedes encontrar en «Sistema / Add-ons». Da igual el orden.
- Por último instala pelisalacarta mediante la opción «Install from ZIP file» como siempre.
en iPad no consigo hacer funcionar el workaround de instalar los dos add-ons adicionales. Lo he probado de todas las formas posibles pero sigue dando el error: Fallo en el script al cargar el directorio.
TV a la carta sigue funcionando OK.
¿Sabes si alguien ha hecho la prueba y le ha funcionado?
Por otro lado no encuentro como hacer el downgrade a versiones anteriores de xbmc, que sería otra opción…
No lo he probado en el iPad, pero el «Fallo en el script» no es el error que daba. El problema que se arregla con los dos addons adicionales es el de «Dependencies not met».
Te sugiero que te pases por el foro y dejes una copia del log para poder estudiarlo.
Jesus le comento que segui el tutorial q posteo hace poco y todo esta perfecto. Tengo el appleTV 2 con jailbrake y aTV Flash(black) y XBMC Eden segun las fotos. Con el link de como meter archivos al appleTV logre colocar los 3 archivos necesarios y luego los ejecute. Cabe aclarar q no hay niguna confirmacion de q quedo instalado pero despues de un rato sale el add-on y funciona perfecto!
Muchas gracias!!
Hola Jesus!
He optado por las dos vías para solucionar el problema…y no hay manera
1) por la vía de la instalación de los 2 add ons y luego de el de pelis a la carta, lo único que consigo es meter los archivos en las rutas que indicas. Me deja abrir las carpetas de los archivos pero nada mas, y tal y como se comenta por aquí, no te indica si se ha insta,ado o no. Lo cierto es que dejando el archivo de pelis a la carta para el final, no consigo, mas que una vez mas, acceder a las carpetas de este archivo y no instalar nada de nada.
2) Por la vía del downgrade, consigo rebajar la versión, añado los add ons de pelis a la carta y tv a la carta, pero en el apartado «VIDEOS» no me figura ningún add ons…y eso que he confirmado que están descargados y activos…alguna sugerencia?
Gracias de antemano
@Javi, no te indica que los 2 addons se han instalado pero en realidad si lo han hecho.
Si te da error pásate por el foro a ver si con el log sabemos algo 🙁
Bueno, despues de mucho trastear y de repetir una y mil veces el proceso, he conseguido que pelis a la carta salga en el apartado «videos», pero sigue saliendo el odioso mensaje de error en el script, con lo que estoy justamente como al principio….En fin, que como ya no me queda otra, voy a volver a hacer el jail, de manera completamente empirica, porque creo que es lo unico que creo que me falta. en cuanto lo haga, os cuento como va el asunto
Hola Jesus
Estoy intentando instalar el pluguin en XBMC en mi ipad 2, pero cuando pongo los 2 archivos que dices y le doy a instalar desde un fichero ZIP no sale nada… se sabe algo? que estoy haciendo mal?
Hola Jesus
Lo he reinstalado, he metido los dos archivos en var/mobile/. Cuando los selecciono para instalarlos individualmente me pone
Ad-on does not have the correct structure
y con el otro igual:
Ad-on does not have the correct structure
despues los he metido en var/mobile/documents y les he cambiado los permisos a 777, entonces les doy OK y no me sale nada…
Alguna solución? estoy haciendo mal algun paso?
OK ya esta…
me faltaba descargar el ad-on:
pelisalacarta 3.1.1 – Versión XBMC 10.0 (Dharma) y posteriores
lo he metido sin tocar los permisos mediante ciberduck en la carpeta:
var/mobile/documents y he seguido el proceso anterior.
Funciona perfectamente, el problema es que nunca había oído hablar de XBMC y no tenia ni idea de como instalar los ad-ons
@curso88, he llegado tarde a contestarte. Pero gracias de todas formas por volver y postear que todo ha ido bien 🙂
Hola Jesus, he instalado el xbmc eden que es el que aparece al principio de este post, pero soy incapaz de realizar lo que dices que hay que hacer para instalarlo.
He descargado los dos archivos que hay que descargar y luego el programa
Abro el programa y me conecto como dice el tutorial y descargo los dos ficheros en la direccion private/var/root/mobile/document, pero no se que mas hacer.
La verdad es que no se si me podras explicar(para tontos) que es lo que tengo que hacer?
@jlcgasteiz, tienes que ir a «Sistema / Addons / Instalar desde fichero ZIP».
Se abrirá directamente en el directorio, para que elijas los ficheros y los instales uno por uno.
Perdon, lo he instalado en el apple tv 2 4.2.2
Gracias Jesus
Buen trabajo 😉 La verdad es que se disfruta mucho de pelisalacarta en un iPad, entre el jailbreack ya disponible para iPad 2 y esto ahora es cuando empieza a molar el cacharro este…
Hola Jesús
Soy novato, pero creo que seguido todos los pasos bien, mediante ssh he subido los archivos al directorio del appleTv2, pero al darle a install me dice lo siguiente:
Ad-on does not have the correct structure
y con el otro igual:
Ad-on does not have the correct structure
He visto que al usuario curso 88 le paso igual, pero a mi no me funciona niguna solucion!!!
No estoy seguro de cuál puede ser el problema, te sugiero que uses la versión más antigua de XBMC.
hola jesus buenas, tengo un problema, tengo el ipad 2, he hecho el jailbreak he instalado xbmc via cyida he descargado los add ons de esta pagina e me funciono todo biem, he visto algunas pelis todo bien, pero ayer cuando fue ver una pelicula clico en add-ons luego pelisalacarta y me sale fallo en el scrypt luego clico otra vez y me sale error …
ya he desistalado el xbmc via cydia borre los addo ons vuelvi a instalar los y al final me sale el mismo.. hay alguna solucion ? y hoy mismo he instaldo xbmc en el ipad 2 de un amigo y va todo bien …
gracias man
@fabricio, necesitaría ver el log para saber cuál es el problema
Hola Jesus, espero y me puedas ayudar. Estuve viendo todos los comentarios anteriores sobre el problema de la actualización. Ya descargue los scripts y plugin pero la ruta la pones como private/var/mobile pero lo tengo que colocar en la de mobile o tengo que seguir a library/preference/xbmc?. Tengo una mac al descargar los , script.module.elementtree me descomprime automáticamente y los coloco en la carpeta y no pasa nada no me activa en el Install from ZIP file del apple tv la opción de OK para instalar, tengo que poner los dos archivos comprimidos o descomprimidos? Muchas gracias por tu ayuda.
@josechelo, descárgalos con otro navegador que no sea Safari o quita la opción de que los descomprima después de descargarlos. Tienes que instalarlos desde el fichero ZIP o no funcionará bien.
hola compañero, muy buena la guia pero me estoy volviendo loco desde hace una semana ya, me he descargado los archivos, los he puesto en las carpetas correspondientes y los he puesto en un pen.
el problema esta que no podia conectar el pen al apple tv 2 entonces fui y compre un usb hembra-hembra pero el appletv2 no me detecta el pen usb, que es lo que hago mal???
ayudenme por favor porque mi mujer ya me esta mirando con la cara de esas cuando le tomo el pelo.
Para transferir ficheros al ATV2 no puedes enchufarle un USB, tienes que transferirlo a través de la red.
Sigue esta guía:
Hola jesus no pude hacer lo que decias pero le hice downgrade le volvi a instalar el anterior. Queria preguntarte si sabes el porque al poner unas peliculas en cuevana la mayoria ya tengo problemas que al momento que la selecciono para ver se queda un rato en working y despues me aparece un letrero que dice demaciados archivos reproduciendose y no abre la pelicula y otras veces termina el working y no la abre, son muy pocas las peliculas que si se reproducen pero la mayoria no sabras tu la solucion a eso? Muchas gracias por tu ayuda
¿Eso te pasa entonces con la versión estable en ATV2?
[…] […]
Buenas mi problema es el siguiente:
cuando intento mover el cursor para entrar en sistema y configurar xbmc cuando este pasa por música se cierra el programa solo. Por lo que no puedo instalar el plugin pelis a la carta ni configurar ninguna opción
El log es el siguiente:
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349569024 NOTICE: ———————————————————————–
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349569024 NOTICE: Starting XBMC, Platform: Mac OS X (11.0.0 iPad2,1). Built on Jun 23 2011 (Git:20110623-62171b3)
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349560832 NOTICE: special://xbmc/ is mapped to: /Applications/
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349560832 NOTICE: special://xbmcbin/ is mapped to: /Applications/
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349560832 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/ is mapped to: /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/userdata
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349560832 NOTICE: special://home/ is mapped to: /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349560832 NOTICE: special://temp/ is mapped to: /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/temp
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349560832 NOTICE: special://frameworks/ is mapped to: /Applications/
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349560832 NOTICE: The executable running is: /Applications/
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349560832 NOTICE: Log File is located: /var/mobile/Library/Preferences/xbmc.log
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349560832 NOTICE: ———————————————————————–
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349556736 NOTICE: load settings…
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349556736 NOTICE: special://profile/ is mapped to: special://masterprofile/
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349556736 NOTICE: loading special://masterprofile/guisettings.xml
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349556736 NOTICE: Getting hardware information now…
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349556736 INFO: Using analog output
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349556736 INFO: AC3 pass through is disabled
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349556736 INFO: DTS pass through is disabled
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349556736 INFO: AAC pass through is disabled
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349556736 INFO: MP1 pass through is disabled
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349556736 INFO: MP2 pass through is disabled
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349556736 INFO: MP3 pass through is disabled
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349556736 DEBUG: Error: Requested setting (videoscreen.screenmode) was not found. It must be case-sensitive
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349556736 NOTICE: Checking resolution 12
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349556736 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://xbmc/system/playercorefactory.xml.
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349552640 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::: created player DVDPlayer for core 1
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349552640 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::: created player oldmplayercore for core 1
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349552640 DEBUG: CPlayerCoreConfig::: created player PAPlayer for core 3
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349552640 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: system rules
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: rtv
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: hdhomerun/myth/rtmp/mms/udp
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: lastfm/shout
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: rtsp
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: streams
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: flv/aacp/sdp
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: mp2
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvd
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvdfile
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: dvdimage
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: sdp/asf
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 DEBUG: CPlayerSelectionRule::Initialize: creating rule: nsv
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 NOTICE: Loaded playercorefactory configuration
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 NOTICE: Loading player core factory settings from special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml.
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 NOTICE: special://masterprofile/playercorefactory.xml does not exist. Skipping.
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 NOTICE: No settings file to load to load (special://xbmc/system/advancedsettings.xml)
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 NOTICE: No settings file to load to load (special://masterprofile/advancedsettings.xml)
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 NOTICE: Default DVD Player: dvdplayer
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 NOTICE: Default Video Player: dvdplayer
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349548544 NOTICE: Default Audio Player: paplayer
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349487104 NOTICE: Loading media sources from special://masterprofile/sources.xml
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349487104 INFO: creating subdirectories
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349487104 INFO: userdata folder: special://masterprofile/
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349487104 INFO: recording folder:
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349487104 INFO: screenshots folder:
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349487104 INFO: thumbnails folder: special://masterprofile/Thumbnails
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349487104 INFO: load language info file: special://xbmc/language/English/langinfo.xml
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349487104 DEBUG: trying to set locale to en_US.UTF-8
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349483008 INFO: global locale set to C
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349483008 INFO: load language file:special://xbmc/language/English/strings.xml
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:348942336 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(special://xbmcbin/system/
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:348942336 DEBUG: Loading: /Applications/
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349052928 INFO: GLES: Maximum texture width: 2048
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349052928 DEBUG: EGL_EXTENSIONS: GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_read_format_bgra GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_APPLE_framebuffer_multisample GL_APPLE_rgb_422 GL_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_APPLE_texture_max_level GL_IMG_read_format GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349052928 NOTICE: GL_VENDOR = Imagination Technologies
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349052928 NOTICE: GL_RENDERER = PowerVR SGX 543
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349052928 NOTICE: GL_VERSION = OpenGL ES 2.0 IMGSGX543-58.6
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349052928 NOTICE: GL_SHADING_LANGUAGE_VERSION = OpenGL ES GLSL ES 1.0
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349052928 DEBUG: GLES: Extension Support Test – GL_NVX_gpu_memory_info NO
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349052928 NOTICE: GL_EXTENSIONS = GL_OES_depth_texture GL_OES_depth24 GL_OES_fbo_render_mipmap GL_OES_mapbuffer GL_OES_packed_depth_stencil GL_OES_rgb8_rgba8 GL_OES_standard_derivatives GL_OES_texture_float GL_OES_texture_half_float GL_OES_vertex_array_object GL_EXT_blend_minmax GL_EXT_discard_framebuffer GL_EXT_read_format_bgra GL_EXT_shader_texture_lod GL_EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic GL_APPLE_framebuffer_multisample GL_APPLE_rgb_422 GL_APPLE_texture_format_BGRA8888 GL_APPLE_texture_max_level GL_IMG_read_format GL_IMG_texture_compression_pvrtc
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349044736 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349044736 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349040640 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349040640 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349036544 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_default.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x1b456a0
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349032448 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349032448 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349032448 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349028352 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349028352 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_texture.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x1d99b60
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349028352 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349024256 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349024256 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349024256 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349024256 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_multi.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x1d9bd30
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349024256 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349020160 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349020160 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349016064 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349016064 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_fonts.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x1da00b0
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349016064 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349011968 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349011968 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349011968 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349011968 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_texture_noblend.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x1d9eb80
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349011968 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349007872 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349007872 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349003776 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349003776 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_multi_blendcolor.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x1da0fd0
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:349003776 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:348999680 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:348999680 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:348995584 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:348995584 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_rgba.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x1da3240
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:348995584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compilation log:
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:348995584 DEBUG: GL: Vertex Shader compiled successfully
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:348995584 DEBUG: GL: Pixel Shader compilation log:
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:348995584 DEBUG: GL: Fragment Shader compiled successfully
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:348995584 DEBUG: GUI Shader [guishader_frag_rgba_blendcolor.glsl]- Initialise successful : 0x1da8b90
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:348995584 INFO: GLES: Maximum texture width: 2048
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:348995584 INFO: load default splash image: /Applications/
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:345866240 INFO: load keymapping
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:345796608 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/appcommand.xml
06:45:35 T:805195776 M:345796608 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/gamepad.xml
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345755648 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Alienware.Dual.Compatible.Controller.xml
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345751552 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.AppleRemote.xml
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345743360 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Harmony.xml
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345743360 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Interact.AxisPad.xml
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345743360 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Logitech.RumblePad.2.xml
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345743360 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Microsoft.Xbox.360.Controller.xml
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345731072 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Microsoft.Xbox.Controller.S.xml
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345731072 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.PS3.Remote.Keyboard.xml
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345731072 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.Sony.PLAYSTATION(R)3.Controller.xml
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345731072 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/joystick.WiiRemote.xml
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345731072 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/keyboard.nyxboard.xml
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345731072 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/keyboard.xml
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345731072 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/mouse.xml
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345731072 INFO: Loading special://xbmc/system/keymaps/remote.xml
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345718784 INFO: GUI format 1024×768 1024×768
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345718784 DEBUG: guilib: No algorithm for solving rendering passes
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345714688 NOTICE: initializing playlistplayer
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345714688 NOTICE: DONE initializing playlistplayer
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345714688 INFO: DPMS: not supported on this platform
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345653248 INFO: Unloading old skin …
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:345653248 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (DialogMuteBug.xml) ——
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:346877952 INFO: load skin from:/Applications/
06:45:36 T:805195776 M:346877952 INFO: Loading skin includes from /Applications/
06:45:37 T:805195776 M:346230784 INFO: load fonts for skin…
06:45:37 T:805195776 M:346230784 INFO: Loading fonts from /Applications/
06:45:37 T:805195776 M:345694208 INFO: load new skin…
06:45:37 T:805195776 M:345694208 INFO: Loading skin file: Home.xml
06:45:37 T:805195776 M:345391104 INFO: Loading user windows, path /Applications/
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345366528 DEBUG: Load Skin XML: 407.98ms
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345366528 INFO: initialize new skin…
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345366528 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogVolumeBar.xml
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345350144 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogSeekBar.xml
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345296896 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogKaiToast.xml
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345296896 INFO: Loading skin file: DialogMuteBug.xml
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345288704 DEBUG: guilib: No algorithm for solving rendering passes
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345276416 DEBUG: CGUIAudioManager::Initialize
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345276416 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345276416 INFO: Loading /Applications/
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345276416 INFO: skin loaded…
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345276416 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 12999
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345276416 DEBUG: —— Window Init (Startup.xml) ——
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345276416 INFO: Loading skin file: Startup.xml
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345276416 INFO: removing tempfiles
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345276416 DEBUG: ADDON: Starting service addons.
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345276416 NOTICE: initialize done
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345276416 NOTICE: Running the application…
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345276416 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ReplaceWindow(Home)
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345276416 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To ReplaceWindow(Home)
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345276416 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10000
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345276416 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (Startup.xml) ——
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345276416 DEBUG: —— Window Init (Home.xml) ——
06:45:38 T:133066752 M:345161728 DEBUG: Thread CJobWorker start, auto delete: 1
06:45:38 T:133066752 M:345161728 DEBUG: CRecentlyAddedJob::UpdateMusic() – Running RecentlyAdded home screen update
06:45:38 T:133066752 M:345149440 ERROR: SQL: SQL error or missing database
Query: SELECT idVersion FROM version
06:45:38 T:133066752 M:345149440 ERROR: staticThread – thread Jobworker, Unhandled exception caught in thread process, attemping cleanup in OnExit
06:45:38 T:133066752 M:345149440 DEBUG: Thread Jobworker 133066752 terminating (autodelete)
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345141248 ERROR: SQL: SQL error or missing database
Query: SELECT idVersion FROM version
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345141248 ERROR: exception in CApplication::Process()
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:345141248 DEBUG: OnAppCommand: unknown appcommand 79
06:45:38 T:133066752 M:345137152 DEBUG: Thread CJobWorker start, auto delete: 1
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:344969216 DEBUG: —— Window Init (Pointer.xml) ——
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:344969216 INFO: Loading skin file: Pointer.xml
06:45:38 T:133066752 M:344985600 DEBUG: DoWork – took 144 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/videos.jpg
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:344973312 ERROR: Control 1 in window 10099 has been asked to focus, but it can’t
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:344973312 INFO: GLES: Enabling VSYNC
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:344973312 INFO: GLES: Selected vsync mode 10
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:342351872 DEBUG: Process – no profile (/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/userdata/ found, skipping
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:342351872 DEBUG: NetworkMessage – Starting network services
06:45:38 T:805195776 M:342351872 NOTICE: ES: Starting event server
06:45:38 T:157831168 M:342343680 DEBUG: Thread EventServer start, auto delete: 0
06:45:38 T:157831168 M:342343680 NOTICE: ES: Starting UDP Event server on
06:45:38 T:157831168 M:342343680 NOTICE: UDP: Listening on port 9777
06:45:39 T:805195776 M:342282240 INFO: JSONRPC Server: Successfully initialized
06:45:39 T:805195776 M:342278144 NOTICE: starting zeroconf publishing
06:45:39 T:159911936 M:342274048 DEBUG: Thread JSONRPC::CTCPServer start, auto delete: 0
06:45:39 T:805195776 M:342274048 DEBUG: CZeroconfOSX::doPublishService identifier: servers.eventserver type: _xbmc-events._udp name:XBMC Event Server port:9777
06:45:39 T:805195776 M:342257664 DEBUG: CZeroconfOSX::doPublishService identifier: servers.jsonrpc type: _xbmc-jsonrpc._tcp name:XBMC JSONRPC port:9090
06:45:39 T:805195776 M:342257664 DEBUG: CLastfmScrobbler: Clearing session.
06:45:39 T:805195776 M:342257664 DEBUG: CLibrefmScrobbler: Clearing session.
06:45:39 T:805195776 M:342249472 DEBUG: OnAppCommand: unknown appcommand 79
06:45:39 T:160444416 M:342241280 DEBUG: Thread CJobWorker start, auto delete: 1
06:45:39 T:160444416 M:342241280 INFO: WEATHER: Downloading weather
06:45:39 T:160444416 M:342241280 DEBUG: SECTION:LoadDLL(libcurl.4.dylib)
06:45:39 T:160444416 M:342237184 DEBUG: Loading: /Applications/
06:45:39 T:133734400 M:338255872 DEBUG: Thread CRssReader start, auto delete: 0
06:45:39 T:160444416 M:338075648 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(0x9902d30)*&unit=m&dayf=4&prod=xoap&link=xoap&par=1004124588&key=079f24145f208494
06:45:39 T:133734400 M:338075648 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(0x7f89d3c)
06:45:39 T:160444416 M:338055168 INFO: easy_aquire – Created session to
06:45:39 T:133734400 M:337985536 INFO: easy_aquire – Created session to
06:45:39 T:133734400 M:336338944 DEBUG: Got rss feed:
06:45:39 T:133734400 M:336338944 DEBUG: RSS feed encoding: UTF-8
06:45:39 T:133734400 M:336338944 DEBUG: Parsed rss feed:
06:45:39 T:133734400 M:336343040 DEBUG: Thread CRssReader 133734400 terminating
06:45:39 T:160444416 M:336302080 INFO: WEATHER: Weather download successful
06:45:39 T:160444416 M:336302080 DEBUG: GetZipList – Processing zip://special%3a%2f%2fxbmc%2fmedia%2fweather%2ezip/
06:45:41 T:805195776 M:334462976 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (Pointer.xml) ——
06:45:51 T:805195776 M:334475264 DEBUG: —— Window Init (Pointer.xml) ——
06:45:51 T:805195776 M:334475264 ERROR: Control 1 in window 10099 has been asked to focus, but it can’t
06:45:51 T:805195776 M:334471168 DEBUG: ProcessMouse: trying mouse action leftclick
06:45:51 T:805195776 M:334471168 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ActivateWindow(Videos)
06:45:51 T:805195776 M:334471168 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To ActivateWindow(Videos)
06:45:51 T:805195776 M:334471168 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10025
06:45:51 T:805195776 M:334467072 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (Home.xml) ——
06:45:51 T:805195776 M:334405632 DEBUG: —— Window Init (MyVideoNav.xml) ——
06:45:51 T:805195776 M:334405632 INFO: Loading skin file: MyVideoNav.xml
06:45:52 T:805195776 M:334467072 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
06:45:52 T:805195776 M:334467072 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
06:45:52 T:804130816 M:334372864 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: 0
06:45:52 T:804130816 M:334372864 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 804130816 terminating
06:45:56 T:805195776 M:329551872 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (Pointer.xml) ——
06:45:57 T:805195776 M:329551872 DEBUG: —— Window Init (Pointer.xml) ——
06:45:57 T:805195776 M:329551872 ERROR: Control 1 in window 10099 has been asked to focus, but it can’t
06:45:57 T:805195776 M:329551872 DEBUG: ProcessMouse: trying mouse action leftclick
06:45:57 T:805195776 M:329547776 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://sources/video/)
06:45:57 T:805195776 M:329547776 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
06:45:57 T:804130816 M:329531392 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: 0
06:45:57 T:804130816 M:329621504 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 804130816 terminating
06:46:02 T:805195776 M:329007104 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (Pointer.xml) ——
06:46:03 T:805195776 M:329015296 DEBUG: —— Window Init (Pointer.xml) ——
06:46:03 T:805195776 M:329015296 ERROR: Control 1 in window 10099 has been asked to focus, but it can’t
06:46:03 T:805195776 M:329015296 DEBUG: ProcessMouse: trying mouse action leftclick
06:46:03 T:805195776 M:328998912 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10040
06:46:03 T:805195776 M:328998912 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (MyVideoNav.xml) ——
06:46:03 T:805195776 M:328241152 DEBUG: —— Window Init (AddonBrowser.xml) ——
06:46:03 T:805195776 M:328241152 INFO: Loading skin file: AddonBrowser.xml
06:46:04 T:805195776 M:328290304 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://all/
06:46:04 T:805195776 M:328290304 DEBUG: ParentPath = [addons://all/]
06:46:04 T:168144896 M:328192000 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: 0
06:46:04 T:160444416 M:328163328 DEBUG: DoWork – took 111 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/settings.jpg
06:46:05 T:168144896 M:324444160 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 168144896 terminating
06:46:08 T:805195776 M:328945664 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (Pointer.xml) ——
06:46:09 T:805195776 M:328945664 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:09 T:805195776 M:328945664 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:09 T:155234304 M:329027584 DEBUG: Thread CJobWorker start, auto delete: 1
06:46:09 T:133066752 M:328531968 DEBUG: DoWork – took 118 ms to load special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/f/f1247a04.jpg
06:46:10 T:805195776 M:324743168 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:10 T:805195776 M:324743168 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:10 T:805195776 M:324132864 INFO: CheckIdle – Closing session to (easy=0x915a000, multi=0x975f7d0)
06:46:10 T:805195776 M:324116480 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:10 T:805195776 M:324116480 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:11 T:805195776 M:323760128 INFO: CheckIdle – Closing session to (easy=0x7e5c000, multi=0x7b05c70)
06:46:11 T:805195776 M:323747840 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:11 T:805195776 M:323747840 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:11 T:805195776 M:323751936 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:11 T:805195776 M:323751936 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:12 T:805195776 M:323846144 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:12 T:805195776 M:323846144 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:13 T:805195776 M:323493888 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:13 T:805195776 M:323493888 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:13 T:805195776 M:323493888 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:13 T:805195776 M:323493888 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:13 T:160444416 M:323493888 INFO: easy_aquire – Created session to
06:46:14 T:160444416 M:323485696 DEBUG: Caching image ‘’ as ‘f/fa55906c.jpg’ full size
06:46:14 T:160444416 M:323485696 INFO: Caching image from: to special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/f/fa55906c.jpg
06:46:14 T:160444416 M:323485696 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(0x9060d30)
06:46:14 T:805195776 M:323493888 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:14 T:805195776 M:323493888 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:14 T:133066752 M:323584000 INFO: easy_aquire – Created session to
06:46:14 T:161718272 M:323579904 DEBUG: Thread CJobWorker start, auto delete: 1
06:46:14 T:133066752 M:323481600 DEBUG: Caching image ‘’ as ‘2/259a0355.jpg’ full size
06:46:14 T:133066752 M:323481600 INFO: Caching image from: to special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/2/259a0355.jpg
06:46:14 T:133066752 M:323481600 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(0x1d3d910)
06:46:14 T:805195776 M:323776512 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:14 T:805195776 M:323776512 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:15 T:155234304 M:323436544 DEBUG: Caching image ‘’ as ‘6/6925fae5.jpg’ full size
06:46:15 T:155234304 M:323436544 INFO: Caching image from: to special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/6/6925fae5.jpg
06:46:15 T:155234304 M:323436544 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(0x908ca80)
06:46:15 T:805195776 M:323436544 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:15 T:805195776 M:323436544 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:15 T:161718272 M:323436544 INFO: easy_aquire – Created session to
06:46:15 T:161718272 M:323473408 DEBUG: Caching image ‘’ as ‘f/f62b55d0.jpg’ full size
06:46:15 T:161718272 M:323473408 INFO: Caching image from: to special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/f/f62b55d0.jpg
06:46:15 T:161718272 M:323473408 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(0x9dc7a60)
06:46:15 T:805195776 M:327622656 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:15 T:805195776 M:327622656 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:16 T:805195776 M:327974912 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:16 T:805195776 M:327974912 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:16 T:133066752 M:327446528 DEBUG: DoWork – took 214 ms to load special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/2/259a0355.jpg
06:46:16 T:161718272 M:327471104 DEBUG: DoWork – took 124 ms to load special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/f/f62b55d0.jpg
06:46:16 T:155234304 M:327131136 DEBUG: DoWork – took 219 ms to load special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/6/6925fae5.jpg
06:46:17 T:805195776 M:327856128 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:17 T:805195776 M:327856128 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:18 T:805195776 M:327503872 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:18 T:805195776 M:327503872 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:18 T:805195776 M:327622656 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:18 T:805195776 M:327622656 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:19 T:805195776 M:327622656 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:19 T:805195776 M:327622656 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:19 T:805195776 M:327270400 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:19 T:805195776 M:327270400 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:19 T:805195776 M:327266304 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:19 T:805195776 M:327266304 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:20 T:805195776 M:327266304 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:20 T:805195776 M:327266304 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:20 T:805195776 M:326676480 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:20 T:805195776 M:326676480 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:21 T:805195776 M:326676480 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:21 T:805195776 M:326676480 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:21 T:805195776 M:326676480 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:21 T:805195776 M:326676480 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:21 T:160444416 M:326676480 DEBUG: Caching image ‘’ as ‘b/b162a44f.jpg’ full size
06:46:21 T:160444416 M:326676480 INFO: Caching image from: to special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/b/b162a44f.jpg
06:46:21 T:160444416 M:326676480 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(0x908ca80)
06:46:21 T:805195776 M:326852608 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:21 T:805195776 M:326852608 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:21 T:161718272 M:326414336 DEBUG: Caching image ‘’ as ‘d/de73583e.jpg’ full size
06:46:21 T:161718272 M:326414336 INFO: Caching image from: to special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/d/de73583e.jpg
06:46:21 T:161718272 M:326414336 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(0x9060d30)
06:46:22 T:805195776 M:326414336 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:22 T:805195776 M:326414336 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:22 T:805195776 M:326414336 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:22 T:805195776 M:326414336 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:22 T:805195776 M:326062080 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:22 T:805195776 M:326062080 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:23 T:805195776 M:325980160 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:23 T:805195776 M:325980160 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:23 T:155234304 M:326217728 DEBUG: Caching image ‘’ as ‘e/e1f8d932.jpg’ full size
06:46:23 T:155234304 M:326217728 INFO: Caching image from: to special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/e/e1f8d932.jpg
06:46:23 T:155234304 M:326217728 DEBUG: FileCurl::Open(0x9dbf620)
06:46:23 T:160444416 M:326922240 DEBUG: DoWork – took 281 ms to load special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/b/b162a44f.jpg
06:46:23 T:805195776 M:326934528 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:23 T:805195776 M:326934528 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:23 T:805195776 M:326582272 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:23 T:805195776 M:326582272 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:24 T:805195776 M:327098368 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:24 T:805195776 M:327098368 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:24 T:133066752 M:327086080 DEBUG: DoWork – took 111 ms to load special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/6/6a9c7531.jpg
06:46:24 T:805195776 M:322174976 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:24 T:805195776 M:322174976 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:24 T:161718272 M:322269184 DEBUG: DoWork – took 160 ms to load special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/d/de73583e.jpg
06:46:24 T:805195776 M:322547712 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:24 T:805195776 M:322547712 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:24 T:805195776 M:322514944 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:24 T:805195776 M:322514944 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:25 T:805195776 M:322514944 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:25 T:805195776 M:322514944 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:25 T:805195776 M:323694592 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:25 T:805195776 M:323694592 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:25 T:805195776 M:323342336 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:25 T:805195776 M:323342336 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:26 T:805195776 M:323035136 DEBUG: SDLKeyboard: scancode: 00, sym: 0112, unicode: 0000, modifier: 0
06:46:26 T:805195776 M:323035136 DEBUG: OnKey: down (f028) pressed, action is Down
06:46:26 T:161718272 M:322625536 DEBUG: DoWork – took 112 ms to load special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/f/f1247a04.jpg
06:46:26 T:805195776 M:318664704 DEBUG: —— Window Init (Pointer.xml) ——
06:46:26 T:805195776 M:318664704 ERROR: Control 1 in window 10099 has been asked to focus, but it can’t
06:46:26 T:805195776 M:318660608 DEBUG: ProcessMouse: trying mouse action leftclick
06:46:34 T:805195776 M:325357568 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 2 times.
06:46:34 T:805195776 M:325357568 DEBUG: ProcessMouse: trying mouse action rightclick
06:46:34 T:805195776 M:325357568 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Deactivate
06:46:34 T:805195776 M:325357568 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (AddonBrowser.xml) ——
06:46:34 T:805195776 M:325357568 DEBUG: CGUIWindowManager::PreviousWindow: Activate new
06:46:34 T:805195776 M:325353472 DEBUG: —— Window Init (MyVideoNav.xml) ——
06:46:34 T:805195776 M:325353472 INFO: Loading skin file: MyVideoNav.xml
06:46:35 T:805195776 M:325009408 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://sources/video/)
06:46:35 T:805195776 M:325009408 DEBUG: ParentPath = [addons://sources/video/]
06:46:35 T:804130816 M:324988928 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: 0
06:46:35 T:804130816 M:324972544 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 804130816 terminating
06:46:35 T:133066752 M:324947968 DEBUG: DoWork – took 134 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/videos.jpg
06:46:35 T:805195776 M:320937984 DEBUG: ProcessMouse: trying mouse action leftclick
06:46:40 T:805195776 M:329203712 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (Pointer.xml) ——
06:46:47 T:805195776 M:329211904 DEBUG: —— Window Init (Pointer.xml) ——
06:46:47 T:805195776 M:329211904 ERROR: Control 1 in window 10099 has been asked to focus, but it can’t
06:46:47 T:805195776 M:329207808 DEBUG: ProcessMouse: trying mouse action leftclick
06:46:50 T:805195776 M:328855552 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 1 times.
06:46:50 T:805195776 M:328855552 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
06:46:50 T:805195776 M:328855552 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
06:46:50 T:804130816 M:328839168 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: 0
06:46:50 T:804130816 M:328839168 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 804130816 terminating
06:46:53 T:805195776 M:328634368 DEBUG: ProcessMouse: trying mouse action leftclick
06:46:53 T:805195776 M:328634368 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (sources://video/)
06:46:53 T:805195776 M:328634368 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
06:46:53 T:804130816 M:328617984 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: 0
06:46:53 T:804130816 M:328617984 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 804130816 terminating
06:46:53 T:805195776 M:328634368 INFO: CheckIdle – Closing session to (easy=0x7f79000, multi=0x908ae20)
06:46:54 T:805195776 M:328658944 DEBUG: ProcessMouse: trying mouse action leftclick
06:46:54 T:805195776 M:328658944 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory ()
06:46:54 T:805195776 M:328658944 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
06:46:54 T:804130816 M:328642560 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: 0
06:46:54 T:804130816 M:328642560 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 804130816 terminating
06:46:54 T:805195776 M:328306688 INFO: CheckIdle – Closing session to (easy=0x7e56000, multi=0x1d7e520)
06:46:54 T:805195776 M:328306688 INFO: CheckIdle – Closing session to (easy=0x7f1c000, multi=0x9ddf9e0)
06:46:59 T:805195776 M:328658944 DEBUG: ProcessMouse: trying mouse action leftclick
06:46:59 T:805195776 M:328658944 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://sources/video/)
06:46:59 T:805195776 M:328658944 DEBUG: ParentPath = []
06:46:59 T:804130816 M:328642560 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: 0
06:46:59 T:804130816 M:328642560 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 804130816 terminating
06:47:02 T:805195776 M:328503296 DEBUG: ProcessMouse: trying mouse action leftclick
06:47:02 T:805195776 M:328499200 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10040
06:47:02 T:805195776 M:328499200 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (MyVideoNav.xml) ——
06:47:03 T:805195776 M:328118272 DEBUG: —— Window Init (AddonBrowser.xml) ——
06:47:03 T:805195776 M:328118272 INFO: Loading skin file: AddonBrowser.xml
06:47:03 T:805195776 M:328175616 DEBUG: CGUIMediaWindow::GetDirectory (addons://all/
06:47:03 T:805195776 M:328175616 DEBUG: ParentPath = [addons://all/]
06:47:04 T:166203392 M:328073216 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader start, auto delete: 0
06:47:04 T:155234304 M:328040448 DEBUG: DoWork – took 204 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/settings.jpg
06:47:04 T:160444416 M:328040448 DEBUG: DoWork – took 139 ms to load special://masterprofile/Thumbnails/f/f1247a04.jpg
06:47:05 T:166203392 M:320176128 DEBUG: Thread Background Loader 166203392 terminating
06:47:07 T:805195776 M:325033984 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (Pointer.xml) ——
06:47:09 T:805195776 M:325029888 DEBUG: —— Window Init (Pointer.xml) ——
06:47:09 T:805195776 M:325029888 ERROR: Control 1 in window 10099 has been asked to focus, but it can’t
06:47:09 T:805195776 M:325029888 DEBUG: ProcessMouse: trying mouse action leftclick
06:47:09 T:805195776 M:325029888 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : Translating ActivateWindow(Home)
06:47:09 T:805195776 M:325029888 DEBUG: ExecuteXBMCAction : To ActivateWindow(Home)
06:47:09 T:805195776 M:325029888 DEBUG: Activating window ID: 10000
06:47:09 T:805195776 M:325029888 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (AddonBrowser.xml) ——
06:47:09 T:805195776 M:324714496 DEBUG: —— Window Init (Home.xml) ——
06:47:09 T:805195776 M:324714496 INFO: Loading skin file: Home.xml
06:47:10 T:805195776 M:324481024 ERROR: SQL: SQL error or missing database
Query: SELECT idVersion FROM version
06:47:10 T:805195776 M:324481024 ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
06:47:10 T:133066752 M:328896512 DEBUG: DoWork – took 139 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/videos.jpg
06:47:14 T:805195776 M:332902400 DEBUG: —— Window Deinit (Pointer.xml) ——
06:47:14 T:805195776 M:332902400 DEBUG: —— Window Init (Pointer.xml) ——
06:47:14 T:805195776 M:332902400 ERROR: Control 1 in window 10099 has been asked to focus, but it can’t
06:47:15 T:805195776 M:332902400 DEBUG: ProcessMouse: trying mouse action mousedrag
06:47:23 T:155234304 M:332894208 DEBUG: Previous line repeats 73 times.
06:47:23 T:155234304 M:332894208 DEBUG: DoWork – took 123 ms to load special://skin/backgrounds/music.jpg
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:329105408 DEBUG: ProcessMouse: trying mouse action mousedrag
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:329105408 ERROR: SQL: SQL error or missing database
Query: SELECT idVersion FROM version
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:329105408 ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: SQL: SQL error or missing database
Query: SELECT idVersion FROM version
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: SQL: SQL error or missing database
Query: SELECT idVersion FROM version
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: SQL: SQL error or missing database
Query: SELECT idVersion FROM version
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: SQL: SQL error or missing database
Query: SELECT idVersion FROM version
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 DEBUG: ProcessMouse: trying mouse action mousedrag
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: SQL: SQL error or missing database
Query: SELECT idVersion FROM version
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: SQL: SQL error or missing database
Query: SELECT idVersion FROM version
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: SQL: SQL error or missing database
Query: SELECT idVersion FROM version
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: SQL: SQL error or missing database
Query: SELECT idVersion FROM version
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: SQL: SQL error or missing database
Query: SELECT idVersion FROM version
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: SQL: SQL error or missing database
Query: SELECT idVersion FROM version
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: exception in CApplication::FrameMove()
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 ERROR: CApplication::FrameMove(), too many exceptions
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328859648 INFO: ADDON: cpluff: ‘An unreleased information object was encountered at address 0x1d8e240 with reference count 1 when destroying the associated plug-in context. Not releasing the object.’
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328855552 INFO: ADDON: cpluff: ‘An unreleased information object was encountered at address 0x1d89340 with reference count 1 when destroying the associated plug-in context. Not releasing the object.’
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328855552 INFO: ADDON: cpluff: ‘An unreleased information object was encountered at address 0x1d86f00 with reference count 1 when destroying the associated plug-in context. Not releasing the object.’
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328855552 INFO: ADDON: cpluff: ‘An unreleased information object was encountered at address 0x1d83610 with reference count 1 when destroying the associated plug-in context. Not releasing the object.’
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328855552 INFO: ADDON: cpluff: ‘An unreleased information object was encountered at address 0x1d8aca0 with reference count 1 when destroying the associated plug-in context. Not releasing the object.’
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328855552 INFO: ADDON: cpluff: ‘An unreleased information object was encountered at address 0x1d8a0b0 with reference count 1 when destroying the associated plug-in context. Not releasing the object.’
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328855552 INFO: ADDON: cpluff: ‘An unreleased information object was encountered at address 0x1d85030 with reference count 1 when destroying the associated plug-in context. Not releasing the object.’
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328798208 DEBUG: SECTION:UnloadDll(libcurl.4.dylib)
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328798208 DEBUG: Unloading: libcurl.4.dylib
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328749056 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture pointer-nofocus.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328753152 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture pointer-focus.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328757248 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture pointer-focus-drag.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328757248 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture pointer-focus-click.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328757248 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture OSDPrevTrackFO.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328757248 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture OSDPrevTrackNF.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328757248 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture OSDRewindFO.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328753152 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture OSDRewindNF.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328753152 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture OSDPauseFO.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328753152 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture OSDPauseNF.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328753152 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture OSDPlayFO.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328753152 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture OSDPlayNF.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328753152 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture OSDStopFO.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328753152 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture OSDStopNF.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328753152 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture OSDForwardFO.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328744960 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture OSDForwardNF.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328740864 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture OSDNextTrackFO.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328740864 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture OSDNextTrackNF.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328740864 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture HomeSubFO.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328830976 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture HomeSubNF.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328876032 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture GoFullscreen.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328876032 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture home-power.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328900608 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture home-favourites.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328925184 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture HomeNowPlayingBack.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328937472 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture floor.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:328949760 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture xbmc-logo.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:329129984 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture HomeSubEnd.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:329154560 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture HomeBack.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:329162752 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture HomeOverlay1.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:329207808 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture HomeSeperator.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:329211904 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture SideFade.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:329224192 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture icon-rss.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:329232384 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture HomeButtonsBack.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:329408512 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture header.png
06:47:23 T:805195776 M:329449472 WARNING: Cleanup: Having to cleanup texture special://temp/weather/128×128/26.png
Parece que tienes un problema en la instalación, porque aparecen errores indicando que no encuentra la base de datos. Te recomiendo desinstalar XBMC y volver a instalar desde cero.
gracias jesus por tu respuesta. Ya lo he hecho varias veces, lo he eliminado y vuelto a instalar pero da el mismo problema. No se si el XBMC que me he bajado de la pagina oficial esta mal. Un saludo y muchas gracias
Hola ya baje los pluggins y no puedo instalarlos.
Los copie tal cual lo baje en la carpeta de media y solo me abriendo una carpeta tras otra si encontrar en si el pluggin. Me pueden decir que hacer porque inclusive ya lo guarde con extensión zis y nada. Saludos
@Vicol, ¿donde lo estás instalando? ¿Windows, Linux, Mac? ¿Versión?
Necesitaré algo más de información…
Hola Jesus tengo Mac y le hice hoy el Jailbreak al Apple tv 2 con la version 4.3 le instale primero el nito tv y de ahi el XBMC el cual según el el firmare dice ser Darwin 11.00.
1ero. baje los Scrips del link y los guarde con Cyberduck en el la carpeta Private/var/mobile pero lo curioso es que no los guarda .zip y no funciono ya que pasaba el problema que mencione arriba, solo navegaba dentro de la carpeta sin que se detectaran los pluggins, entonces los borre y los comprimí para que tuvieran la extensión .zip, ya en XBMC en setup ad-ons ya pude abrirlo con «Install from a ZIP file», solo que me dio un error que decía algo así «add-ons with wrong estructure» no recuerdo bien pero era que que los archivo no tenían la estructura correcta y no se instala nada. y pues ya no he tenido avances, no se que mas hacer?
saludos y gracias
Instálate la nueva 3.2.2 para Eden, esta entrada es de hace 3 meses y ahora ya tenemos una versión específica.