“Now go wash up, comb your hair and clean up your room… and snap to it or the Big Bad Monster’ll come after you!”. “Don’t wanna!” shout Zip and Zap. That’s the hot response of the week amongst all the kids who watch the latest hit TV show, The Don’t Wanna Clown. The host is a diabolically sassy weirdo all the kids love to imitate. And that’s how the battle between Zand Z and Gracie Zlipper, who is aided by the Stinkysox Monster, the Jasmine-scented Soap Monster, the Super-whitening Toothpaste Monster, etc. begins. In the end, the twins discover that disobeying Mom is much more dangerous than the adventures of Don’t Wanna Clown. And if you’re the kind that doesn’t obey YOUR mother, watch this adventure and think it over good before your sass gets you a spanking on the….