The star of this episode of Toonimals is very familiar to us: None other than Bearly, our cooking bear. All of the Toonimals will try to help so that Bearly can get a girlfriend in the just-arrived spring. Brawny tries to get Bearly in shape so that he’ll be more attractive for the female bears but his work won’t be too successful. Although bears are very strong and agile animals, Bearly is the exception to the rule. Ollie organizes a “casting to chose the lucky girl for Bearly while Polo covers the world delivering invitations to all the possible candidates: polar bears, Tibetan bears, bears with glasses, bears without … including even the bear-like marine fur seal. We’ll learn a lot about bears: Are polar bears right-handed or left-handed or maybe they get along just fine with both paws? Do they have good or bad vision? Is it true that they go crazy for honey? How do they manage, ahem, to go to the bathroom when they’re hibernating? If you want to meet the bear who will star