In the library, CORNELIUS is telling LITTLE WOUTER a story of when he and his father (BOB WOUTER) were captured by creatures disguised as BOBOBOBS and how he warned BOB WOUTER that they weren’t really BOBOBOBS. The secret word they used was “WEWA”. This story was told just in time as they come across a very old space-ship which the old man and his pet onboard turn out to be SACARINA, the ex BOBOBOB whose powers were taken away as he used them for evil instead of for good. The pet that SACARINA took onboard the BOBULAR captured BLUSH. CORNELIUS, very worried, looks for BLUSH all over the BOBULAR. When he was searched everywhere, he goes to the ship where SACARINA arrived to look for BLUSH. Finally, CORNELIUS arrives to where SACARINA is and he reveals himself and lets BLUSH free. Meanwhile, LITTLE WOUTER is outside and hears what’s happening and CORNELIUS, who has heard him, uses the special secret word. LITTLE WOUTER runs to tell BOB WOUTER and CORNELIUS and BLUSH are rescued.