Monica is about to become another year older but is dismayed when her mum texts her a photo and she's reminded by her friends that she 'hasn't changed a bit' since last year. Her misery is compounded when she suspects Lara and Akira of changing the subject of their conversations about spots and boys because they think that Monica isn't grown up enough to join in. And when she sees her friends going out together later but not inviting her she decides it's because they don't want to be seen with a little girl. She resolves to show them just how grown up she can be. The rest of the friends, along with the teacher and other classmates, are actually setting up a surprise party at school for Monica for her birthday the next day. Tony watches Gabriel effortlessly pick up a crate of drinks that he couldn't budge and begins to compare his less developed arms with Gabriel's more muscular build. Next day and Monica's late for the bus. At the last minute she arrives but she's dressed up in her hos