Módulo 1 - Unidad 4 - Programa 1GRAMÁTICAForma there is: there is a bank near here . Imperativo: go, take, turn. Adverbios y locuciones adverbiales: again, then, straight ahead, on the left / right, here, over there. Números ordinales: first, second, third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh, eighth, ninth, tenth. Uso pronominal de one.Preposiciones: opposite, next to, near, by, past, at, on, in. VOCABULARIODirecciones: take / turn / go left / right / straight on. Take the first turning on the right. Lugares: station, post, office, bank, house, supermarket, traffic lights. Transporte: underground, bus, train. Verbos: say, turn, take. PRONUNCIACIÓNPronunciación de las consonantes de isn't y doesn't Diferencia entre los sonidos /s/ /z/