Módulo 1 - Unidad 3 - Programa 3GRAMÁTICATercera persona del Presente simple. Uso de I have got / Have you got...? Plural del sustantivo: boy - boys, girl - girls Plural irregular: child - childrenUso de a lot / a little: she travels a lot. She speaks a little English Pronombre interrogativo who, how: who's that? Pronombre demostrativo: that Posesivos: his / her / their / our VOCABULARIORelaciones de parentesco: mother, father, wife, husband, son, daughter, brother, sister. Profesiones: diplomat, businessman. Idiomas: English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese. Números: 10-19. Vocabulario sobre las relaciones familiares. PRONUNCIACIÓNSonido /r/