The celebration in honour of Mariana begins. The natives, Sandokan and his men among them, reach Victoria harbour, where they pay tribute to the “Pearl of Labuan”. There is a full moon and the display of lights and colours made by the torches and flowers is extremely beautiful. Surama is famous for her great skill in dancing and sensually performs one of her most beautiful dances in tribute to Mariana. Mariana comes up to Surama to thank her for such a marvellous fight, and without anyone realising, Surama slips Mariana a note telling her that when the party is over she will be kidnapped by Sandokan and his men. The celebration goes on and in the confusion at the end and with the noise from the fireworks Mariana manages to get into a canoe and is taken by the natives to Sandokan’s parao. There she is reunited with her loved one. The “Mariana” sets sail with Yañez’s craft alongside. After a moment of confusion, the Baronet and his men realise that Mariana is missing and quickly sail aft